How to Change Your DotNetNuke Website Copyright Date

As a website owner it is important to keep up with certain tasks to ensure your site is up-to-date. One of these tasks is changing your copyright date, which is traditionally at the bottom of your webpage. There are a few methods you can employ when it comes to your putting a copyright statement on your webpage. Here’s how to manually change the copyright date in DotNetNuke. 
Manually Change the Copyright Statement
Log in as Administrator and navigate to your “Site Settings” page, which is the first child page under the “Admin” tab. The “Site Settings” page is viewable by Administrators only and is where you set some critical settings for your DotNetNuke website. On this page your will find the Copyright form field, which is a simple text box. What ever change you make in this field will show up on every page of your website. After you make a change remember to click “Update” at the bottom of the page. That’s it, your done! Easy right? 
Automatically Change the Copyright Statement
I’ll admit, changing the copyright is simple using the steps above, but you can have DotNetNuke automatically change your copyright statement when the New Year comes in. All you have to do is simply delete the statement all together. DotNetNuke will insert the following text as your copyright statement: “Copyright (c) 2011 [PortalName]” (the [PORTALNAME] token will be replaced with the portal name from the first setting labeled “Portal Name”.)

Check out the video of Chris Hammond, DotNetNuke Corporation’s Director of Training. It is an in-depth demenstration on how to configure this feature of DotNetNuke.